About Us


Who We Are

As you have likely deduced from our inclusion and mention of the Sacred Name Movement in our history, our beliefs center upon the importance of standing upon Scripture as the sole authority and rule of Faith in our lives. Our Savior, Yahshua the Messiah, is described as the Word made flesh, (John 1:1-3, 14-15). As such,

introducing other extrabiblical sources upon which to build our Faith would essentially diminish the Savior of the World, thereby distorting the image of Almighty Yahweh, our Father in Heaven, which He so ably represents.

We believe and teach the importance of the two great commandments, Matthew 22:34-40. Love is defined in the love chapter (1 Corinthians 13). Our responsibility

is to individually measure our fidelity to the law of love according to the standard set forth in Scripture. At the same time, we must have an accurate picture for the biblical perspective of the Old Covenant and its place in our lives. It is not the foundation of our Faith, which is described in Scripture as “…Yahshua, the apostles and prophets.” (1 Corinthians 3:10-12, Ephesians 2:17-22). Rather, the Old Covenant was given to provide a stable society and system in which to work out our salvation on this earth. Additionally, the penalty for disobedience (described as the curses) have been removed through the sacrifice of our Savior to take away the sin of the world. However, the blessings for obedience still remain.

To the extent you obey and practice those things, you will be blessed. The blessing derives from our desire to express our love for Almighty Yahweh and all He has done, and continues to do, on behalf of His children.

The law was never intended to be a vehicle whereby we can stand before our Savior on Judgment Day and hold up our obedience to Torah as a means of entitlement through earning a spot. It is, rather, an expression of love, and it is loveand its fulfillment which brings us into a right relationship with our Creator, Deuteronomy 7:6-11.

That being said, through humble adherence to these laws, statutes and ordinances as best as we individually can, we will be found to be building with gold, silver, and precious jewels on the biblically aforementioned foundation.

As an expression of love, we keep the seventh day Sabbath a holy convocation. As an expression of love, we guard our lips in the food we eat, doing our best to ensure that the temple of this body is a healthy one before Yahweh. As an expression of love, we recognize and practice the Feasts of Yahweh, His annual holy days. These

include the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day. Having prophetic significance, these convocations can be used as a means to hone and refine our relationship with our compassionate Father. He knows our frame, and in His wisdom knows that we need these annual reminders as markers on the pathway to salvation.

These and other lessons are constantly taught and reviewed by Yahweh’s elders in an effort to educate and strengthen the flock over which they have been made overseers. Joyfully treating one another, including our enemies, with dignity and respect, is vital in this present wicked age. We of Yahweh’s Free Brethren believe

the learning process will not cease until we arrive at the gates to eternity. And so we soldier on in joyful submission, learning the lessons Yahweh allows to be placed before us as we walk the narrow way. Be blessed, and check in with us as our learning paths intersect!

Our History

Yahweh’s Free Brethren has a long and storied history going back to the early days

of the founding of what is presently known as the Sacred Name Movement.

In 1980 a group of believers left the Assemblies of Yahweh to form a new group

called Yahweh’s Frystown Assembly. At that time the current pastor of Yahweh’s

Free Brethren, Jacob C Meyer was an elder in the Assemblies of Yahweh and

continued on in that role for several years.

As time would have it and the group known then as Yahweh’s Frystown Assembly

continued on, a series of events would take place to bring Pastor Jake back into

fellowship with those who had left the Assemblies of Yahweh. After taking a stand

for biblical truth and finding himself outside the Assemblies of Yahweh and with no

assembly home to worship with, he stayed off to himself for almost 15 years. Then,

a visiting elder to the Frystown Assembly gave him a call and invited him to attend

Pentecost services. Initially declining the invitation, after prayer and discussing it

with his wife, they decided to attend Yahweh’s holy day. From then on his family

attended the Frystown Assembly.

Frystown continued as it had previously, under the leadership of Elder George

Garner. However, in 2002, Elder Garner was asked to become pastor at Yahweh’s

Assembly in Messiah, Rocheport, Missouri. He accepted the position, and Pastor

Jake was elected to the position as Pastor of Frystown. From 1980 till that time

Frystown had held their meetings in the Jackson Grange, a rented old building in

the area which was available. The assembly in Frystown would typically decamp

every year to attend the Feast of Tabernacles in Missouri. However, in 2008 there

was a huge spike in oil prices, causing many brethren to have the cost of traveling

to Missouri become too prohibitive to make the trip.

As a consequence, we jointly made the decision to try and hold a Feast locally in Pennsylvania. It turned out to be a success, and our congregation has hosted Sukkot locally ever since. In 2009, we were offered an historic old church in the area that was badly in need of renovation. Built in 1846, it is a beautiful local landmark. The congregation decided to take the plunge and purchase the property,

and we started the process of meeting all the regulations necessary to renovate the building. Six years later, permits in hand, we began this momentous undertaking. And what an undertaking it was! The building required an addition to house such amenities as bathrooms, electric and mechanical rooms, and a kitchen. Thanks to the generosity of a caring family in the brotherhood, the comprehensive rebuild was completed in time for the 2018 Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Finally, after 38 years, our Assembly had a home!

We are blessed to have a beautiful place in which to worship Almighty Yahweh, and we welcome all visitors of good will to experience worshiping here. A beacon along the local state highway, we have had many curious folks drop by to take a look. As a matter of fact, we had an open house shortly after we moved in, and over 600 people stopped by during that week.

Our services are held on the seventh day of the week, Saturday, at 1:00 pm. If you should be in the area, stop on by. Our love for Yahweh and His Word is evident and we welcome you. We are a Bible believing, Scripture practicing group that does its utmost to live according to every Word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahweh.

Our Team

Meet our amazing pastors and volunteers.

 Elder Jake Meyer

Elder Joseph Sedra

Our Mission

Our mission is to be a beacon of light for our Heavenly Father Yahweh and our exalted Savior Yahshua through sharing of scripture, engaging in the community around us, and being ambassadors of the glad tidings in all that we do.

We host a Sabbath service where you can worship alongside others in a warm, welcoming environment.

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